August 10, 2013

Max Bemis will be writing comic for Marvel.

Max Bemis of "Say Anything" will reportedly be writing for Marvel Comics "A+X series", that will focus on Spider-Man and Magneto. Click "Read More" below to see the full article from newsrama

Max Bemis, best known as the frontman and songwriter of pop-punk band Say Anything is set to make his debut with Marvel Comics penning a story in November’s A+X #14.Bemis made his comics writing debut with the release of his creator-owned comic Polarity from BOOM! Studios back in April.A+X #14 will be his first work for a major publisher.
The story, which features a team-up between the Superior Spider-Man and Magneto, is described as Bemis as being “high concept.”
"It can’t just be like, ‘Let’s just take the Hulk and Spider-Man and put them against this particular bad guy and they find some creative way of beating him,’" Bemis said of the story. “How do you take a team-up and make it more of a psychological study than an action piece? All of the ideas I pitched had that sort of element to it."

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